One, two, what do I do?

Three, four, more confused than before…?

When I began writing this post, I was contemplating whether I should master one skill first before learning another. The skills in question are photography and doing watercolors.

I’ve done photography (very amateur landscape photography) since high school. I’d use my dad’s old camera and off I went.

I used to do it for fun whenever I made new origami or if we went to scenic places around town. I’ve done it in university both for leisure and to complete requirements. Now, I use it for work, too. Instead of taking just pictures of skylines or sunsets, I take pictures of food as well, which is nice AND is harder than it looks. Continue reading “One, two, what do I do?”

We don’t deserve this.

painting by Johnny Morant

Science says that we’re the smartest animals on Earth because we can think critically and rationally and stuff. But because of cases about sexual harassment, rape, and other similar things, I’m kind of starting to think otherwise.

After watching Heneral Luna tonight, my sister and I decided to get coffee at 7eleven. When we were by the coffee machine, one employee stood behind me and I saw from the reflection of the coffee machine that he was checking me out.

(I don’t usually like to swear in my posts but)

What the fuck, man?

I can’t see why some men would do that. I wasn’t even wearing anything flattering — I had gym shorts on and a white, baggy printed crew neck shirt. I wasn’t worth oggling.  Continue reading “We don’t deserve this.”